Digestix Bioscience Inc. is a company dedicated to the development of endoscopic medical devices and pharmaceutical compositions for the treatment of precancerous and early stage neoplastic local tumors
Prof. Eitan Scapa, Co-Founder of Digestix Bioscience:
“While the polyps themselves often do not exhibit symptoms, they have the potential to develop into colorectal cancer. Moreover, some of the more aggressive polyps have a tendency for recurrence after having been removed, thus increasing the chances for the tumor turning cancerous"

The company is currently conducting a pre-clinical in-vitro study using fresh human polyp biopsies obtained under a Helsinki approved protocol from the Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv

The company’s initial focus is in developing a medical device and a pharmaceutical composition to induce inhibitory effects for preventing recurrence of certain adenomatous colorectal polyps.
Adenomatous colorectal polyps are found in approximately 25-30% of colonoscopies performed on men and women over the age of 50, and according to iData Research, approximately 19 million colonoscopies are performed in the US annually.
Medical Advisor
Prof. Scapa specializes in gastroenterology and liver diseases and is a Full Professor of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. He has completed a Fellowship at Harvard University Medical School, as well as having held numerous key positions in his field over the years, including: Head of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Unit at Asaf Harofe Medical Center; President of the Israeli Association of Gastroenterology (IGA); Chairman of the Helsinki Committee at Asaf Harofe Medical Center; and Chief R&D, Medical Corps, in the IDF (Lieutenant Colonel). Prof. Scapa is also the originator of the PillCam™️ Capsule Endoscopy technology developed by Given Imaging (Medtronic), and the CMO and
Co-Founder of ART Medical.
Chairman & CEO
Mr. Yariv brings over 20 years of successful executive experience in the medical industry. Mr. Yariv was part of the funding group of breathID an Oridian medical (now Medtronic) business unit and its subsequent spin off company breath ID Inc. (now Exalenz bio science) which develops and manufactures advanced non-invasive diagnostic medical devices for gastrointestinal and liver conditions. Mr. Yariv also co-founded Simutec, a medical simulation and training company in Brazil that develops and commercializes advanced personalized virtual reality training programs for physicians.
Mr. Yariv holds a BA Cum Laude from Boston University in Philosophy, Political Science and History.
Medical Advisor
Dr. Scapa earned his M.D in 2000 at the Technion Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel, cum laude. He later held a Research Fellowship in Hepatology at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard University, Boston, MA, as well as a fellowship in Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection at the NTT Medical Center in Tokyo, Japan. He is an expert in invasive Endoscopy and has extensive experience in performing colonoscopies and gastroscopies. He is proficient in both diagnostic as well as invasive Endoscopic US (EUS) and serves as the head of the Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) program in Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, initiated in 2019.